Welcome to the 58th issue of The Funambulist, dedicated to Palestinian Return/Awda/العودة. In its original intentions, as defined in the beginning of […]
This issue contests the idea that the lack of sunlight characterizing the Night, means that we “see” less in darkness than we do in broad daylight. In […]
This 56th issue is the first one we are publishing in English, French, and now Spanish. Its title, Bulldozer Politics, is a reference to a small book […]
The 54th issue of The Funambulist examines the durability of colonial structures in western and northern European societies: Britain, France, Germany, […]
After an issue dedicated to the persistent structures of colonial domination and racialization in western and northern European societies, The Funambu […]
This 53rd issue of The Funambulist is a special one! It mostly consists of translations into thirty “non-hegemonic” languages of a text Indigenous Mix […]
Welcome to the 52nd issue of The Funambulist! This issue focuses on the many ways through which prisoners invest the full extent of the agency they ha […]
Welcome to the 51st issue of The Funambulist, which is also the second issue we are publishing in anglophone and francophone versions. Undocumented In […]
Welcome to the 50th issue of The Funambulist. For the very first time, the magazine is published both in its original anglophone version and a brand n […]
Welcome to the 49th issue of The Funambulist. For the fourth time in the history of the magazine, the curation of this issue is shared between two peo […]
The 48th issue of The Funambulist is entitled “Fifty Shades of White(ness).” Beyond its tongue-in-cheek title, the general editorial argument is that […]
The 47th issue of The Funambulist is dedicated to “Forest Struggles.” This title intends to describe the simultaneity of political struggles taking pl […]
This 46th issue (March-April 2023) is an introspection of our solidarity practices. The “We” it mobilizes is formed through the global struggle agains […]
Welcome to this 45th issue, edited together by the two members of The Funambulist team: head of communications Shivangi Mariam Raj, and editor-in-chie […]
Welcome to the 44th issue of The Funambulist, which we are dedicating to desert epistemes and political struggles from its peoples. It is however impo […]
Welcome to the 43rd issue of The Funambulist, the first of the eighth year of the magazine’s existence. It approaches the diasporic question through v […]
With this 42nd issue of The Funambulist, we are commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Algerian Revolution’s final victory against French settler c […]
The question that motivates this issue is simple: how come so many of us outside the settler colony called the United States of America, are so deeply […]
Welcome to our last 2021 issue! It is dedicated to the relationship between music and the movements of liberation. Its gorgeous cover was created for […]
Welcome to the 37th issue of The Funambulist, which is a very special one as we invited Zoé Samudzi to curate and edit an issue on the topic of her ch […]