A Map of San Francisco Grocery Stores


A Map of San Francisco Grocery Stores  (3227)

在庫状態 : 在庫有り

Mariko Baba and Eishin Yoshida/ME(め)/袋とじ


“A Map of San Francisco Groceries – a city of micro-food cultures -” now exists in the universe! This is our fourth zine in our fukuroto-zine series.

This zine came into formation as M was walking down Mission Street during December 2016, on her way to watch Star Wars: Rogue One. Mission is home to great Mexican mom and pop grocery stores filled to the brim with vegetables, fruits, and maybe even a bakery in the back. This was the inspiration as M sent a quick text to E “fukurotozine: grocery stores?” And a few months later, here we have it!

袋とじんシリーズ第4弾となるA Map of San Francisco Grocery Stores – a city of micro-food cultures – が完成!このzineは、Mが昨年12月に新作スターウォーズを観にいく途中にミッション地区を歩いていたときから始まりました。ミッションはメキシコ人が多く住むエリア。街中のスーパーには色とりどりの野菜や果物が並び、それを目にしたMがその場でEに「zineのアイディア:スーパーどう?」と送ったところから、数か月後、ついにこの世に誕生しました!

