在庫状態 : 売り切れ
English is below]
第一部 アルピジェラの技法 その特徴と力
第二部 アルピジェラにみる歴史の記憶
第三部 戦禍・災禍にかかわる世界の裁縫作品
第四部 わたしたちの記憶風景
・インタビュー 楢葉町のカカシ作り
This is a catalogue of the “Stitching Memoryscape” exhibition which is around 90 pages and all color, consisting of the captions and images of the exhibits, and related essays. The foreword, introduction and all the captions & background narratives of the pieces displayed are provided bilingually (Japanese & English).
Stitching Memoryscape is an exhibition planned to be held in Sendai, Japan, in May-June 2017. The following-up exhibitions will take place in July in Kyoto, then in August-September in Nagasaki.
The central focus of the exhibition is “arpillera,” a type of folk tapestry from Chile, which developed into a medium of testimony of everyday experiences and political violence under the Pinochet dictatorship. It also exhibits textile testimonies of war, conflict and disaster from other areas of the world, including those about the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Tohoku region in March 2011. A main objective of the exhibition is to create a space for an alternative form of dialogue between different types of historical experiences through visual and tactile narratives.