在庫状態 : 在庫有り
Amy Brereton/A5/25 pages
HORRORscopes is a series of illustrations and experimental descriptor pages to explore astrology and horror tropes, along with modern-day society’s fascination with the two. Zine length: 25 pages. Zine run: 100 copies
カナダ・バンクーバー出身で現在は東京在住のイラストレーターAmy Breretonのzine『HORRORscopes』。占星術とホラーの比喩的表現を、その双方に対する現代社会の興味に合わせながら、イラストと実験的な記述で探求するシリーズ。25ページ、発行部数:100部。

Artist statement:
Amy Brereton’s illustrations present the world’s tender duality – a harmonious balance of simultaneous luminescence and sorrow. Thematically, her work focuses on dark surrealism and often has a morbid sense of humor. She believes in the de-stigmatization of mental illness. She aims to educate with her practice and emphasize that the act of creating is a therapeutic experience. Aesthetically, Amy’s work is inspired by low-brow comics, anime, and tattoo flash. In 2019 Amy graduated from Emily Carr University in Vancouver, Canada with a bachelors in illustration. She currently resides in Tokyo, Japan and works as both an instructor and illustrator.