Decolonize Futures vol.1 – 反人種差別、フェミニズム、脱植民地化


Decolonize Futures vol.1 - 反人種差別、フェミニズム、脱植民地化  (4742)

在庫状態 : 在庫有り

酒井功雄、saki・sohee 編/B6/88ページ


特集:反人種差別、フェミニズム、脱植民地化 | Anti-Racism, Feminism, and Decolonization



Patriarchy, white supremacy, and racism. Colonialism is lying beneath the inequalities in the world.

Even though colonialism has ended in the form of physical occupation in many regions, a violent colonial system persisted through economic exploitation and cultural domination by Western nations and infiltrates our everyday lives.

The colonial worldview is centered around Western culture and a hierarchy that assumes “White, (in Japan, Japanese) cis-hetero men” as most human while treating “women, LGBTQ+ people, people of color, non-Western indigenous people, etc” as inferior who deserve exploitation.
Vol. 1 alerts to such reality and walks readers through how feminism, Anti-Racism, and Decolonization connect to each other.

To think about how social issues intersect with the history of colonialism, we hosted a lecture with Dr. LaRose T. Parris, Associate Professor at CUNY, Lehman College. This issue is an archive of a dialogue between Professor Parris and the participants drawn to the topic of “decolonization” while living in contemporary Japanese society and discursive space.

