莫連たちの読書会 zine & バンダナ セット


莫連たちの読書会 zine & バンダナ セット  (4532)

在庫状態 : 在庫有り

過去の日本のフェミニストたち10人について、その功績や、注目ポイントをまとめたzine(ミニコミ)と、zineにも使用した木版画でのイラストを使ったバンダナのセットです。〔zineのみをご希望の方はこちらからご注文ください: https://ira.tokyo/item/zine/10096/





・高橋瑞(たかはし みず)
・金子文子(かねこ ふみこ)
・山川菊栄(やまかわ きくえ)
・島成園(しま せいえん)
・楠瀬喜多(くすのせ きた)
・長谷川テル(はせがわ てる)
・保井コノ(やすい この)
・知里幸恵(ちり ゆきえ)
・斎藤百合(さいとう ゆり)
・高橋くら子(たかはし くらこ)

過去のフェミニストたちを調べてみて、気が付いたことがあります。先頭を歩く女たちは常に後進の女たちを意識し、育てようと試みてきたこと、そして、後ろを歩く女たちは歴史を掘り起こし、前を歩いた女たちの生き方や考えを少しでも記録を残そうとしてきたことです。「正史」に残らず、男たちの書いたものでは「莫連」呼ばわりしかされない女たちの生き方は、それを語ろうとするだけでも常に政治的な試みなのです。 もちろん、今の時代から見て、批判されるべき点があることも十分考えられます。特に戦争への態度、マイノリティへの視線、そして天皇制に向き合う姿勢は今だからこそ検討できることがたくさんあるでしょう。そうした点についてもう一度検証しあうことも、今後わたしたちが間違いを犯さないためにも必要なことだと思います。 何百年前の女たちの葛藤は今のわたしたちにも通じるものがあり、社会のあまりの変わらなさに怒り、そして立ちすくんでしまうかもしれません。でも、だからこそ、前に進んでいくために、過去のたくさんの「莫連」たちの手を取り、そこに連なってみませんか。



BAKUREN’s Reading club ZINE and Bandana Set

1. Bandana
ol Size: 54cm*54cm
Cotton 100%, Screen printing
2. ZINE (mini magazine)
Size: A5(14.8cam*21cm), Saddle stitch, 32 pages 01 bot
Text by Haruna Ito, Kanna, Anne Kurokawa, Marlina, macca, Yukako Ohashi
Woodcuts by Haruna Ito, Kanna, Anne Kurokawa, Marlina, macca, Yuki Nakamura, mainneau
Designed by macca

We are the project group named “Bakuren (worldly women) -kai”, who’s ambition is to make the textiles with the portraits of feminists in the history of Japan. Bakuren is the abusing word showered only on women. On dictionaries, it is explained as “shamelessness and those who are shameful” (Daijirin), and “person who has no sense of shame, worldly wise” (Seisenban Nihonkokugo daijiten). We regularly held study meetings for more than a year to choose feminists for textile. Finally, the next 10 feminists were chosen:

Mizu Takahashi
(Pioneer of women doctors, who gave her own body to women doctors in the next generations after her death)
Fumiko Kaneko
(Female anarchist, who founded the anarchist collective Futei-sha with her partner Pak Yol)
Kikue Yamakawa
(Women’s rights activist and critic)
Seien Shima
(Artist who organized the group of women painters in Osaka)
Kita Kusunose
(The suffrage activist in Japan, who enabled women to participate in local elections in 1880)
Kono Yasui
(Botanist, pioneer of female scientists in Japan)
Yukie Chiri
(Ainu transcriber and translator who kept Ainu’s folklore on record)
Yuri Saito
(Disability rights advocate, organizer of the institute of education and welfare for blind)
Kurako Takahashi
(Buraku liberation movement activist)

While leaning feminists in history, we learned that prominent women have always cared for younger generations and tried to raise and support them. In addition to this, younger generations have tried to learn more about women pioneers and keep them in the archives more or less. In the history that has been written only by men, the history of women disappears.
Women could appear in that history only when called Bakuren. Therefore, talking about these women is always political.
Of course, their behaviors might be criticized now for their attitude towards war, minorities, or their position toward the emperor system. However, thinking about this could help us avoid making similar mistakes. The struggles of women centuries ago are still new to us and we may be angry and fear the constancy of society. Therefore, we hope that you will also join the Bakurens’ chain to keep moving forward.

